Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Important Information About Cell Phones & Internet

Aruba is a foreign country, so in addition to needing passports, there are a few things to be aware of as it relates to cell phones and internet usage.

First, cell phone calls and text messages are more expensive!  If you have a Verizon cell phone, here are what the charges will be:
       >  Standard Rate per Minute: $1.99
       >  Rate per Message Sent: $0.50
       >  Rate per Message Received: $0.05
       >  Pay per Use Rate: $0.20/KB ($20.48/MB)

If you have a 3G Verizon phone, you will need to dial *228 and choose Option 2 before you leave for Aruba to update your roaming options.  If you have a 4G phone, you don't have to do anything -- your phone updates automatically.

It does not take long to run up a very large bill, so please be careful with your phone.  If you don’t use Verizon, we strongly recommend that you check with your carrier to see what charges will apply.  Please use email (see below) as your primary means for communicating with your office, clients, talent, etc.

Wireless internet is also very expensive and very spotty.  As part of our agreement, high speed internet (wired) in your room is complimentary and should be used at all times.  Please do not use your wireless connections while in Aruba.

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