Chairman's Award Winner

Congratulations to our 2013 Chairman's Award winner!

Marcus Findley, Senior Market Manager, Kansas Nursing

Marcus returns this year to Aruba as the winner of the company’s highest recognition, the Chairman’s Award.  In winning this honor, Marcus becomes only the second person – along with Rick Majors who also achieved the feat this year – to win the SHC Triple Crown (winning 100+, President’s Club and Chairman’s Award).

While Marcus has won a staggering five President’s Club awards in the past seven years, he is quick to point out that it is a team honor.  According to Marcus, “I learned a long time ago that you have to hire great people, provide them with support, and create a culture of accountability for improved performance.”  With annual double-digit growth ranging from 21% to 51% over the past seven years, and only one down year (-2% in 2010), it’s awfully hard to argue with consistent success. 

The one thing that Marcus doesn’t seem to be able to overcome with ease: ignoring the candy bowl at the office – guess that proves him human, huh?  Marcus is married to Stephanie Findley and has two fantastic boys – Morgan, age 19 and Sheridan, age 10.

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