Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Welcome to Remember

The first day of Clubbing2013 came to a close with the kick-off welcome dinner. All 157 guests gathered on the Festival Plaza to enjoy a delicious sunset dinner while gazing out over the Carribean Sea.

It was the perfect end to our first day on Aruba. More to come tomorrow!

SHC Is In The House

For the last four hours, Aruba has been saying Bon Bini (welcome) to members of the Supplemental Health Care family as 157 SHC employees and significant others have invaded this small Caribbean island.

From flights as short as three hours to a few that technically began yesterday, it has been a long travel day -- but all that seems to fade away as guests are greeted with a cold rum punch and their official Clubbing2013 gift bag. 

That being said, this day is far from over -- next up: a quick dip in the pool, a short shower (we hope!) and it's off to a welcome dinner under the stars.

Stay tuned for more!

Keep Up with Clubbing2013

Welcome to the official Clubbing2013 blog!

We'll be updating this site over the next few days to keep up to date on all of the happenings in Aruba!

Of special interest, be sure to check in on Saturday to learn where we'll be headed for Clubbing2014 -- we guarantee you'll be excited.
you up-to-date on everything that is going on here in Aruba!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Plan on Doing a Little Shopping?

If you're thinking that a little retail therapy could be part of your future in Aruba, you might want to give your credit card company a call before leaving home. 

Many credit cards will deny your efforts to use the card internationally if you haven't informed them that you're planning on leaving the country.  Though it's a great safeguard for your financial safety, it can be pretty irritating if you're standing in a store with an armful of goodies you're looking to take home with you.

So, a word to the wise, give your credit card company a quick call and let them know that you're headed to Aruba -- you might save yourself some grief.

Don't Forget!

Stuff happens.  It's the reality of traveling.  But, there are two things you can have that will make things go a lot smoother: a sense of humor and the phone numbers of people to call when it all hits the fan.

So, in case you didn't write these numbers down after reading the earlier blogging message, here they are again:

For any hiccups in air travel, call Chris Rambo at:
    - Office Phone (8 am – 5 pm MST): 801-327-7724
    - Cell Phone (off Hours): 801-580-1619

    For ground transportation issues once in Aruba, contact Ryan Richards at 435-640-4836. 

    For our guests traveling directly to the Renaissance Hotel, ground transportation has already been arranged for you. As you exit the luggage claim building, look for our Ambassadors and/or representatives from our transportation company, ECO. They will be easy to find, they will all have on orange shirts. 

    If you are arriving before Wednesday and traveling to a hotel other than the Renaissance, you are responsible for your own transportation to that hotel and to the Renaissance on Wednesday.

    Sunday, July 28, 2013

    Perfect Weather Awaits

    With only three days before the start of Clubbing2013, it's time to see what the weather holds for our trip.

    And, it couldn't be better!  Plan on blue skies, hot days and perfect nights.  Highs should be in the low 90's each day and lows around 80.  No rain is predicted but there's always a chance of the occasional shower -- normally late at night.

    As always, and thank goodness, the trade winds will be blowing....and though it might be a little hard on the perfect hairdo, it helps keep the island feeling cool and the humidity away!

    So, start packing and see you in a few days!

    Saturday, July 27, 2013

    Internet and Cell Phone Reminder

    As we mentioned in our July 16th blog below, cell phone charges and Internet fees can add up in a hurry when you're out of the country.

    Wireless Internet is iffy at best on the island and very expensive. However, high speed wired Internet in your room is complimentary and should be used for all Internet access.

    Cellular service is pricey too. If you have a 3G phone, you need to update your roaming services by dialing *228 and choosing option 2 before you leave for Aruba. If you have a 4G Verizon phone, it will update automatically.

    If you don't use Verizon, please check with your carrier before leaving to check pricing and any actions you might need to take.

    - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

    Friday, July 26, 2013

    A Sneak Peek

    As we move into the last weekend before Clubbing, we thought you might enjoy a quick look at some of the highlights of next week’s agenda….and a guide to what to wear for each.

    Wednesday Evening – Welcome Dinner:  Business Beach Casual – Shorts are fine, just keep it nice

    Thursday Morning – A Surprise Celebration: Beach Casual – we’re not outdoors this year, but shorts and t-shirt are still fine

    Thursday Evening – Awards Night:  Our formal event, think appropriate dresses and suits

    Friday Morning – Excursions: Check out the earlier blog for what to wear based on the excursion you’re on

    Friday Afternoon – SHC Workshop: Back to business beach casual

    Friday Night – Island Party:  Keep it casual and cool for a party on the beach

    When in doubt, dress for hot weather and fun times!

    Wear Your Name Badge

    When you check-in at the Renaissance Hotel, you’ll be met by our friendly ambassadors – not only will they give you all kinds of important information, but they’ll also give you your name badge! And, if you are bringing any Significant Others along with you, you’ll get name badges for all of them too.

    Please be sure to wear your badges to all company events other than the Awards Night festivities. It’s a great way to identify each other and get to know everyone.

    Also, please have your Significant Other wear theirs as well so we can get to know them too. That is even more important if they are signed up for our meal plan – the sun printed on their name badge is how we know they are on the meal plan!

    Thursday, July 25, 2013

    Departing from Aruba

    Sorry, it seems in bad taste to talk about leaving Aruba before you even get there, but this is good news.

    Aruba is one of the few places in the world where you actually go through U.S. customs before you depart, rather than when you arrive in the states. In other words, you go through U.S. customs before you board your flight in Aruba -- so, when you fly into the U.S. you come back in as a domestic flight...saving you the time and hassle of having to go through customs at much busier American airports.

    One more, among a very long list, of the great things about Clubbing in Aruba!

    Wednesday, July 24, 2013

    Make Your Travel Day a Good Day

    So next Wednesday is travel day for Clubbing2013 -- and for most of us, it is going to be a pretty long day, but following a few easy tips will make your travel day more enjoyable.

    First, don't forget, you're traveling internationally and there aren't many flights that go to Aruba each day. Don't be late. Don't miss your flight.

    Most airports suggest you arrive 3 hours before your flight for international travel, and most airlines insist that you be checked-in at least 60 - 90 minutes before your international flight. Check with your airline for specific requirements.

    Other suggestions to make your day easier: If checking your bag, pack important medications and other small essentials in your carry-on bag in case your luggage gets delayed, you might want to throw in a snack or two also.  Drink plenty of water on the fight to help fight-off jet lag, and pack a good book or deck of cards for entertainment! And keep this in mind, your next stop is Aruba!

    Tuesday, July 23, 2013

    Arriving in Aruba

    When you fly into Aruba, you will be arriving at Queen Beatrix International Airport. Once you deplane, you will pass through customs then move to luggage pick-up. After you have your bags, you will exit the terminal through glass doors. 

    For our guests who are traveling directly to the Renaissance Hotel, ground transportation has already been arranged for you. As you exit the luggage claim building, look for our Ambassadors and/or representatives from our transportation company. They will be easy to find, they will all have on orange shirts.

    If you are arriving before Wednesday and traveling to a hotel other than the Renaissance, you are responsible for your own transportation to the hotel and to the Renaissance on Wednesday.

    If you have any problems here are a couple of very important phone numbers for you to have, so write them down and take them with you.

    For any hiccups in air travel, call Chris Rambo at:
    • Office Phone (8 am – 5 pm MST): 801-327-7724
    • Cell Phone (off Hours): 801-580-1619

    For airport ground transportation issues once in Aruba, contact Ryan Richards at 435-640-4836.

    Monday, July 22, 2013

    The Renaissance Aruba -- The Best of Both Worlds

    While in Aruba, we’ll be staying at the Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino.  Situated in the heart of Oranjestad, this stunning property includes two hotels, the area’s best shopping, an outdoor market, two casinos, a variety of restaurants and eateries, and the only private beach in Aruba. 

    For our trip, we’ll actually be using both properties: the Renaissance Ocean Suites and the Renaissance Marina Hotel.  The Ocean Suites property is the more family oriented location, while the Marina side is their modern, adult-exclusive property. 

    Regardless of which property you stay in, you’re only minutes away from any activity.  It is an easy walk between the two properties and the hotel also offers both guest cart rides and boat shuttles between the two.

    Saturday, July 20, 2013

    A Little Tease for 2014

    Ok, I know I'm talking to our top performers in the company.  And, that you guys don't really need much in the way of an incentive to push hard...but, I have to tell you that in addition to getting everything ready for you to have an incredible time in Aruba, we're also finishing up our destination decision for Clubbing2014 and I guarantee this is a trip you're not going to want to miss.

    So,  while you're deciding on which bathing suit to pack and how much sunscreen to bring, you might also want to make a few extra talent calls and client visits this week.  Once we announce where we're going next year, you're going to be really happy you did!

    Yes, you can consider this an official tease...

    Friday, July 19, 2013

    Important Things to Remember for Your Trip!

    With only a dozen days before Clubbing2013 in Aruba starts (wow, hard to believe), it's a good time
    to start considering what you need to make sure to include in your packing for the event.  In no particular order, here is what we suggest:
      1. Your passport - forget it and you never get to go past GO
      2. Your bathing suit, after all we are on a Caribbean Island
      3. Chargers for your laptop, cell phone, iPod, etc.
       4. Any medications and prescriptions you might need -- don't risk being without
       5. Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen...see our earlier blog
       6. Appropriate clothes for your excursion -- also covered in a previous blog
       7. Some cash, but you can get money from ATMs there (US currency is fine)
       8. Cool in weather, not style (though cool style is good too)
       9. Your regular plug-in appliances, you don't need any special converter plugs
       10. Your PASSPORT...I know I said it already, but it's really important

      Hope this helps and see you in Aruba!

      Tuesday, July 16, 2013

      Important Information About Cell Phones & Internet

      Aruba is a foreign country, so in addition to needing passports, there are a few things to be aware of as it relates to cell phones and internet usage.

      First, cell phone calls and text messages are more expensive!  If you have a Verizon cell phone, here are what the charges will be:
             >  Standard Rate per Minute: $1.99
             >  Rate per Message Sent: $0.50
             >  Rate per Message Received: $0.05
             >  Pay per Use Rate: $0.20/KB ($20.48/MB)

      If you have a 3G Verizon phone, you will need to dial *228 and choose Option 2 before you leave for Aruba to update your roaming options.  If you have a 4G phone, you don't have to do anything -- your phone updates automatically.

      It does not take long to run up a very large bill, so please be careful with your phone.  If you don’t use Verizon, we strongly recommend that you check with your carrier to see what charges will apply.  Please use email (see below) as your primary means for communicating with your office, clients, talent, etc.

      Wireless internet is also very expensive and very spotty.  As part of our agreement, high speed internet (wired) in your room is complimentary and should be used at all times.  Please do not use your wireless connections while in Aruba.