Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Magical Trip Comes to a Close

No matter how much we try, we can't keep Saturday from arriving...and with it comes the last few hours of Clubbing2013.

Showing just how tough we are at Supplemental Health Care, the crew was bright eyed and ready to go after the killer island party on Friday night.  And when the doors opened for our closing session at 9:00 a.m. all 100 employees danced their way in to the Crystal theater for closing comments from Janet and the SMT.

The theme was simple. After three days of learning, talking and brainstorming about our new Supplemental Standards, the discussion focused on what each of us can do to make these standards come to life.  The SMT shared their personal commitments to the standards and discussed what they were going to do, beginning next week, to make them a reality.

Janet closed by asking each attendee to let her know over the next week or so what they are going to do as well to continue to bring these standards to life -- in the end, she reminded everyone that it's not the words on paper, or what the SMT does that will make our Standards the moral compass we want them to be -- it is how well they are accepted, and embraced by each SHC employee.

That is true of every attendee in Aruba and each of you reading this at home.

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