Sunday, August 4, 2013

Get Ready for CABO!

There was one last piece of business to take care of before closing our festivities -- the announcement of where we're headed for Clubbing2014.

And as the headline of this posts tells you, we are heading for Cabo San Lucas in the Baja Peninsula of Mexico!

We'll be staying at the Hilton Los Cabos Beach and Golf Resort, the number one ranked Hilton in the world!

Halfway between Cabo San Lucas and the beautiful Mexican city of San Jose, this hotel offers us the perfect location to wine, dine and pamper our guests for Clubbing2014.

If you've never been to Cabo -- the destination of the rich and famous -- before, you don't want to miss it.  If you have, you know what an incredible experience we'll be enjoying in just twelve short months.

So get busy, work hard, and we'll see you in CABO!

A Magical Trip Comes to a Close

No matter how much we try, we can't keep Saturday from arriving...and with it comes the last few hours of Clubbing2013.

Showing just how tough we are at Supplemental Health Care, the crew was bright eyed and ready to go after the killer island party on Friday night.  And when the doors opened for our closing session at 9:00 a.m. all 100 employees danced their way in to the Crystal theater for closing comments from Janet and the SMT.

The theme was simple. After three days of learning, talking and brainstorming about our new Supplemental Standards, the discussion focused on what each of us can do to make these standards come to life.  The SMT shared their personal commitments to the standards and discussed what they were going to do, beginning next week, to make them a reality.

Janet closed by asking each attendee to let her know over the next week or so what they are going to do as well to continue to bring these standards to life -- in the end, she reminded everyone that it's not the words on paper, or what the SMT does that will make our Standards the moral compass we want them to be -- it is how well they are accepted, and embraced by each SHC employee.

That is true of every attendee in Aruba and each of you reading this at home.

Partying Island Style

As the sun began to set over the Caribbean Ocean, the Supplemental team began gathering at the Renaissance dock to start an incredible evening of great food, terrific music and some serious fun at our own private island Aruba party.
The night began with each guest being greeted by the SMT as they arrived at the island.  Once they received their infamous green Iguana welcome drink, it was on to an incredible island banquet featuring a variety of Caribbean cuisine. 

After dinner, the partying got serious -- and so did the dancing -- as Party Posse (the best party band in the Caribbean) kept the music pumping and the dance floor rocking.

It was a night that won't be forgotten anytime soon!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

SHC Standards Workshop

After a morning of island adventures, the crew settled in for an afternoon of work...well, ok, maybe not hard work...but important work; breaking down into small work groups to discuss our new standards and brainstorm on how to bring them to life within the company.

A few hours later, every one left with a better understanding of our new Standards while the team leaders left with pages of great idea.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard

We know everyone at SHC works hard, and now we have proof that we truly do play hard too -- as we begin day three bright and early after a short night of sleep (at least we hope there was some sleep involved) with an outdoor breakfast followed by a quick exit for excursions.

Be it by catamaran for a sail and snorkel adventure or by Jeep for some hard core off-roading, the groups were all smiles as they went their separate directions to see, explore and shop the island! 

Of course, it did make us a little nervous when we noticed the name of the catamaran as it pulled away from the docks...The Rumba.   Hope that means they're dancing...

A Gala Affair

Our Thursday festivities continued throughout the evening as we celebrated our 2013 winners during
the annual Awards Banquet.  The night began with a cocktail party for all employees, which was culminated by a winner's toast from Janet.

From there it was on to the banquet itself held in the fabulous Grand Ballroom at the Renaissance Convention Center.  As you can see from the
pictures, this crew cleans up pretty well!

After dinner came the awards presentations for our 100+ Club, President's Club and Chairman's Award winners: all 60 of them!

By the time all victories were toasted and photos taken, Thursday had slipped into I guess this was also the first event of the day today!

Congratulations to all of our 2013 Clubbing Winners!!

Your Supplemental Standards

Yes, as you can see below, the surprise birthday party was a Rock & Rollin' good time, and like any good birthday party, it ended with the opening of presents -- in this case, presents to the entire company.

Opened by our four 2013 President's Club winners (Diane, Rick, Ashley and Carrie) and this year's Chairman's Award winner (Marcus), we officially unveiled our new Supplemental Standards -- our revised, and in some cases new standards for the company: Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Culture, Our Values and Our Service.

These five new standards will be the focus of a lot of discussion for the group here over the next few days and a topic you'll hear much more about over the month's ahead. 

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday everybody!  That's right, starting with our fiscal new year in July, Supplemental Health Care officially turns 30!

And what better way to celebrate the company's birthday than with a surprise birthday party -- which
is exactly what our SHC group did during the morning yesterday.  And what a birthday party it was. 

Complete with goodie bags, birthday games, cake and presents, it was a great celebration and a serious party 1980's style -- after all since we were "born" in 1984, it was only fitting that the entire party was 80's themed..

Just to give you a peak into the action, we thought you might enjoy some pictures of your colleagues in action...

Good Morning Sunshine

OK, after a crazy busy day yesterday, we're doing  a little catch-up this morning on yesterday's news!

The day started with breakfast on the beach for our team.  With clear skies and a panoramic view of the the white sands and blue waters of the Caribbean in front of us, it was a spectacular way to start the first full day in paradise for our crew of island visitors.

And, good thing every one had a hearty breakfast, with all that lay ahead of them they were going to need the energy!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dawn Breaks Over Paradise

It's easy to understand why Aruba is considered one of the most stunning Caribbean destinations. From white sand and crystal blue water to dessert terrain and crashing surf, the island has it all.

As day two of Clubbing2013 arrives, today's agenda has it all too.  We begin with a group breakfast followed by a surprise celebration that you'll definitely be hearing more about!  After lunch, all guests have the afternoon to shop, swim, sun -- whatever strikes their fancy.  To top it off, the day ends with our annual Awards Banquet.

Be on the lookout for updates and photos throughout the day.