Thursday, June 27, 2013

Meals & Excursions - July 1st Deadline

It's time to make some tough decisions...but the good news is, you can't make a bad decision!

You will receive an email today from Jeanette giving you your Award Banquet dinner choices and options for the Friday morning Excursions we have for you.  Your job: make your choices and get them back to us no later than end-of-day on Monday, July 1st. 

If you are bringing a significant other, he or she has some decisions to make too.  First, it's about food.  Do they want to join our Meal Plan (includes all breakfasts and lunches during the event) and would they like to join us for the Awards Banquet.  Next, do they want to tag along on an Excursion. Significant others are welcomed at these events, though at their own expense,

Please check out the email for more details and to respond.  Details can also be found by clicking on the Meals & Excursion tab above or clicking HERE.

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